Mother-Baby Friendly Philippines: Putting Mothers and Babies First.
During the nine months of pregnancy, expectant mothers receive a wealth of information and advice from family, friends, medical professionals, and sometimes well-meaning strangers. One of the most hotly debated topics that always arises is that of breastfeeding, which is naturally the best way to feed and nourish your new bundle of joy. Contrary to popular belief, even though breastfeeding is a natural process, it doesn’t come naturally to all mothers, which can cause both physical and emotional pain to already exhausted new mothers.
The first week in August is Mother-Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative Week, which coincides with International Breastfeeding Week. This marks a great time to reflect on and research the best ways to feed and care for your baby. The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative commenced as a program by UNICEF and the World Health Organisation, designating hospitals and maternity facilities as ‘baby friendly’. These facilities would have to implement 10 specific steps to support natural, successfully breastfeeding in new mothers, and not accept free or low-cost breastmilk substitutes.
In the Philippines, it is a timely reminder to highlight the need to support mothers in their breastfeeding journey, during their stay in hospital to at least six months after they have discharged. It is also an initiative to ensure that maternity facilities are safe, hygienic, and well-equipped to provide ultimate support to new mothers.
We all know that breastfeeding is the best natural way to nourish a newborn, but did you know that your genes can also play an important part in your baby’s health? For those people who really want to invest in the health of their baby and go the extra mile, even in the prenatal stages, there are a number of products from EasyDNA Philippines that may assist. There is a range of DNA tests that can help to provide peace of mind, as well as giving a snapshot of your baby’s health and susceptibility to diseases and conditions. There are also tests which will reveal aspects of your child’s personality, behaviour and other tendencies. The tests include:
Prenatal testing: Prenatal or antenatal tests are tests carried out during pregnancy. The tests offered during pregnancy are:
Prenatal Peace: this test screens for 18 genetic conditions, including Down Syndrome. It is 100% safe and non-invasive to the mother and her unborn child. This test can be taken from as early as 8 weeks pregnant.
Newborn Genetic Test with NOVA™ – A newborn screening test that determines a baby’s risk for 50 inherited disorders, as well as providing personalised genetic information on how you might react to 20 prescription drugs. This test is suitable for children up to the age of 5.
Children’s DNA Discovery – How do your child’s genes influence who they are and what they can be? Where does their height come from? Are they athletic? What about their learning patterns and memory? Are they a risk taker? Find out the answers you want to know with this unique test.
Mother Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative Week is the perfect time to consider your options for a birthing hospital, research breastfeeding, and to perhaps take a deeper look into how genetics play a part in your baby’s development, personality and risk of developing a number of conditions. It’s time to put yourself and your baby’s health first!